
High Voltage Xstream Fetish Urine 3oz - Shisha Glass
可用性: 有存货
A proper blend of Creatine, pH levels, and other normal human urine components with a specific gravity that makes it incredibly similar to naturally emitted urine. XSTREAM FETISH URINE has thoroughly been tested in a lab before being given to consumers and 100% toxin free. It is easy-to-use and requires no mixing; this product is male/female compatible

  • 3oz 恋物癖尿液样本

  • 带喷盖的瓶子

  • 加热垫

  • 橡皮筋

  • 温度条

  • 热感应帽


  1. 充分摇匀,拧开瓶盖并除去铝箔密封件(丢弃密封件)。将瓶子放在微波炉中间 10-15 秒,以确保温度条读数在 94-100 华氏度之间。如果温度条不?惊慌,样品太冷或太热,给它几秒钟,如果温度不满足再加热 5-10 秒,使温度达到 94-100 度。

  2. 加热后,拧上提供的翻盖并摇动瓶子以去除瓶底的任何沉淀物。

  3. 从塑料袋中取出随附的加热垫并摇匀以激活热量。接下来,在温度条对面的瓶子一侧用附带的橡皮筋连接加热垫(这将确保正确的温度读数)。将加热垫放在瓶子上,因为它可持续长达 8 小时。您可以根据需要多次重新加热,并记住舒适的温度是 94-100 度。

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